
    Refereed Publications

    Voinova, Tanya. 2013. “From taken-for-grantedness to professional awareness: Self-presentations of student-interpreters in a community interpreting course”. In Emerging Research in Translation Studies: Selected Papers of the CETRA Research Summer School 2012, G. González, Y. Khaled and T. Voinova (eds). http://www.arts.kuleuven.be/cetra/papers/files/voinova.

    Voinova, Tanya and Ordan, Noam. (in press). “Narratives of community interpreters:

    What can we learn from using corpora-based methodology?” In Addressing Methodological Challenges in Interpreting Studies Research, C. Monacelli and C. Bendazzolli (eds). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


    Voinova, Tanya and Shlesinger, Miriam. Forthcoming. "Translators talk about themselves, their work and their profession: The habitus of translators of Russian literature into Hebrew". TTR: Translation, Terminology, Writing.


    Other Publications

    Shlesinger, Miriam and Voinova, Tanya. 2012. “Self-perception of female translators and interpreters in Israel”. In Discourses of Translation: Festschrift in Honour of Christina Schaeffner, B. Adab, P. Schmitt and G. Shreve (eds). Frankfurm am Main: Peter Lang. 191-212.

    Shlesinger, Miriam, Voinova, Tanya and Schuster, Michal. Forthcoming. A feminine occupation? The conflicts inherent to community interpreting as expressed by female student interpreters.


    González Núñez, Gabriel, Khaled, Yasmine and Voinova, Tanya (eds). 2013. Emerging Research in Translation Studies: Selected Papers of the CETRA Research Summer School 2012. http://www.arts.kuleuven.be/cetra/papers.

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    Last Updated Date : 18/12/2023